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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Common denominator

One of our departments has had a real problem with turnover. In the last year, 3 people have left, none under the best of terms. The first was an employee of several years. The other two were gone within 6 months of their hire date. This department is 6 people when fully staffed. Yes, you are seeing a problem. As my dad used to say "What's the common denominator?" It's the management. If one employee or two had left, you'd think maybe it was coincidence, but not 3 in this short of time. The person is charge is either a bad manager, a bad selector of new employees, or both.

We recently extended an offer to someone to take over one of the vacant positions in this department. Someone asked me how long I thought the new person would stay. I said "not long if she's smart".

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