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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Quite a conversation piece

When I went out to walk on Labor Day, I noticed that my rear passenger tire was on the rim. I thought maybe it was just really low and that I could air it up until I could take it in for service on Tuesday. When I put the tire gauge on it, it didn't even register. I know how to change a tire, but I also pay for AAA so I don't have to. Help quickly arrived, and the spare was put on. I saw what appeared to be a staple in the top of the tire, so I figured that was the problem.

When I took my car in yesterday after work, this is what they pulled out of the tire

Yes, a nearly THREE INCH piece of metal. As you may have guessed, I am now the owner of a new tire. Whatever this was that was in my tire, it's quite a conversation piece if I do say so myself.

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