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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Skils that should be required before you're allowed to drive

I wrote recently about the driving test that someone I know had to pass before her dad would let her drive. While perhaps a bit extreme, there are some skills that I think should be required to be demonstrated before a license is issued:

1. How to check the air in your tires
2. How to figure out how much air should be in your tires
3. How to check the oil
4. How to add oil when needed
5. How to change a tire
6. How to jump start a car

None of these are difficult, but they could all come in very handy. If you have a person in your life getting ready to get his/her license, make sure this person knows how to do all these. If you already have your license and don't know how to do one or more of these things, have someone show you. You'll be a more prepared driver for it.

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