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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Chocolate Chip Cookies

During one of my spates of cleaning and organizing this year, I came across a recipe for chocolate chip cookies that sounded great. I made it on Sunday. Here's the result:

They were great. I love them, and I received strong compliments from others who tried them.

Fun facts about these cookies
1. There are more chocolate chips than floor in them. Yum.
2. They are some BIG cookies. The recipe called for using a quarter cup of dough per cookie. Again, yum.
3. This batch is egg free. The recipe called for 2 eggs, but I was out of eggs and didn't feel like going to the store. I found a substitution using flax , which I did have. They turned out great. A side bonus: this was the first time I'd eaten cookie dough in probably 2 decades. I'm paranoid about salmonella, but without eggs, I could enjoy the dough worry free.

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