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Friday, July 20, 2012

More HRspeak

Recently the University of Louisville's Law School uncovered a small problem. It seems they promised more money in scholarships to students than they had in the budget. To the tune of $2.4 million. Oops. You can read more about it here. My favorite part of the article is about the resignation of the school's assistant dean of admissions:

Hebert also confirmed that Brandon Hamilton, the school's assistant dean for admissions, had resigned the day before. Hebert declined to say if the university had demanded his resignation.
Translation: He was either fired or resigned because they were getting ready to fire him. Had he voluntarily resigned, the answer would have been something like "The university did not ask Brandon to resign, but he felt it was necessary for the good of the program that he do so. We appreicate the great work he's done for the univeristy."

Further confirmation of the translation is contained in the next sentence:

"All we can say is that he resigned and we are looking into it," Hebert said. "At this time, we do not know of any criminal conduct, but we are reviewing the entire matter and seeing where it takes us." 

Anything that begins with "all we can say" means "this is all the lawyers will let us say".

And there is your bit of HRspeak for the day.

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