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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

It's like a Jeff Foxworthy Episode

Last week someone asked me if I'd seen the patio at work recently. I said no. After her explanation, I checked it out. Here's why-

Yes, that's an array of toilets and urinals, sitting outside for the world to see. Jeff Foxworthy would have a field day. I can hear it now "You might be a redneck if...You keep your old bathroom fixtures on the patio "just in case"'.

Our facility is undergoing a major addition and renovation project right now. To complete the redneck look, we are using a portable bathrooms for the next 6-10 weeks (they are heated with running water, not port-a-pots). This restroom trailer is parked right in the front of our building. Next to it is a storage unit (think a pod, only less fancy). A few yards away is a dumpster. Today the dumpster was full, so they had a pile of demolition debris on the ground. It looks a tad rough now, but it should be really nice when it's done. That's if our facility isn't taken over for a Jeff Foxworthy TV Special of course.

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