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Monday, January 16, 2012

Moms know stuff

I've written before about how much I love scones. However, what I don't like is making them. It's not difficult. It's just that you have to mix the ingredients with your hands. The mixture coats your hands, gets under your nails, etc. To quote my two year old niece "Yucky".

I was telling my mom about this, and she said "Why don't you use gloves?" Such a thought had never occurred to me. She said she uses them from time to time for various cooking activities. It seemed like a great idea to me.

Yesterday I gave it a try. I had a recipe for sun dried tomato bacon scones. Oh my goodness. It was a night and day difference. I whipped them up and had clean hands at the end. YES! And the scones were really good too.

Moms definitely do know some useful things.

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