Recently my friend's coworker, Y.U., sent me two posts from this blog via my friend. Y.U. thought I'd like them. She was right. I now share them with you, along with my thoughts.
Story #1
1. LOVE the peep picture that accompanies the story. How awesome is that?
2. I have a purple glitter pen. It's great. I wouldn't use it on a job application personally, but I wouldn't get too bent out of shape if someone else did.
3. How on earth do you spell your own name wrong, TWICE?
4. My teammate's favorite part was the person can't work weekends "cuz" she's hung over. Nice command of the English language. (also note the person referred to Friday and Saturday as weekends. Last time I checked weekends were Saturday and Sunday.)
4. Can you imagine watching the fake nail fly off and hit the person in the eye? It would be hilarious as long as you weren't the recipient.
5. My teammate asked what job this person would be qualified for. "I'm serious" she said. I think probably one similar to that illustrated in the peep photo.
Story #2
1. Completely agree with the concluding sentence. I'd also add "your spouse, significant other, aunt, uncle, grandparent, etc.". Unless you are so sick you can't make the call yourself, no one but you needs to be having work related conversations with your boss. Period.
2. Does this lady not get that part of the reason he's the way he is could stare her in the mirror every day? Hello.
3. If he'd driving you crazy, kick him out. It's your house. He's an adult. Tell him it's time to figure it out.
4. A point about discrimination: people oftentimes fail to understand this term. Discriminate means to differentiate. If you don't believe me, google it. We all discriminate every day. I discriminate when I stop at the red light and go when it turns green. You can do the same with people. For example, you can say "I'm not hiring anyone under 30". That is not illegal. However, you can't say "I'm not hiring anyone over 30." That is an illegal form of discrimination- age. Note that it only applies to people 40 and over. Crazy, yes, but true.
I hope you enjoyed these stories as much as I did. Thanks to Y.U. for sending them to me. As I told my mom and one of the commenters noted, you can't make this stuff up. Before I would worked in HR, I would never have believed these stories were true. I do now.
A bonus story from today: A person being interviewed spent most of the time tell his prospective boss the things she should be doing. This made one of other attendees so nervous she later said she felt like she was having a panic attack. Finally the manager got so mad she said "I'm the X Manager. You don't need to tell me how to do my job". With that, she got up and walked out of the room.
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